Quality and Investments

Quality of the products & Know-how

These are our catchwords. T.M.S. stands out for its way of working, not only in the aspect of qualitiy but also in the field of security and environmental respect, for the well-being of individuals and the community. 
The company has always paid particular attention to the quality of its work without compromising. T.M.S. is firmly convinced that the final quality is given by the attention and care given to all product manufacturing processes, starting with communication with the customer. The dedication of the staff, combined with the continuous desire to improve, have allowed T.M.S. to make an improvement in terms of "brand equity" and image, ensuring the company the best tools to win new opportunities in an increasingly competitive and global market.
T.M.S. meccanica di precisione
Due to the fact that T.M.S. Srl carries out its activities at a maximum of respect of all qualitiy criteria, the Company has obtained the Certificate of Conformity to the standard ISO 9001:2015 in the System of Quality management.

The Certificate ISO 9001 proves that the Company is in a position to answer in a coherent and satisfactory way to the customer's expectations.
The standard ISO certifies that the Company reaches significant improvements in terms of organisational efficency and quality of the products, minimizing waste, avoiding errors and increasing productivity.

Download ISO 9001

Mission, Vision & Values

We are able to combine a high customization-level typical of hand-crafted products and the complexity of high-standards industrial production. Every process is developed by high-skilled staff, respecting delivery terms with extreme punctuality and reliability.


We want to deserve the trust of everyone we work with, keeping our promises, behaving fairly and taking the responsibility of our work.


We work hard with utmost passion to provide effective and proper answers to the customers’ needs, establishing a solid partnership with them.


For us, the best results can be obtained only by working in team, cooperating with co-workers, colleagues and customers.


We respect our community and the eco-system we operate in. For us, contributing to improve living standards and social progress, is a duty.


We dedicate all our energies to improve constantly our results and our services. For us, doing well is not enough.


We want to deserve our reputation of “pioneers” facing commonplaces and studying always new ways to satisfy our customer.

Contact us

Our company is located in
Via XXIV Maggio 12
22070 Guanzate (Co)

Telephone number: +39 031 560 052
E-mail: tms@tms-srl.it

Business hours

08:00 - 17:00

T.M.S. srl

We are specialized in third-party precision mechanical and metal processing (turning and milling), working with specific production units, precision machinery with turning machines and CNC machining centers.
© 2025 T.M.S Srl | P.I e C.F. 02463380135 | Credits P.G. Studio